Full Body

Full Body

107 Episodes

Movements that focus on bringing connection and strength to the entire body with classes that seamlessly flow through sequences.

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Full Body
  • how to sit, get up, and stand correctly

    Episode 1

    Talking about the best way to be sitting, getting up, and standing still + quick helpful tips to improve your alignment

  • awaken + strengthen in 5 minutes

    Episode 2

    A well-rounded, quick but effective open level express class that quickly warms you up, awakening + strengthening the body.

  • beginner basics express (10 minutes) // standing work

    Episode 3

    This express class is a perfect one for the beginner who is short on time. We'll use our 10 minutes together to go through a (mostly) standing series to feel a burn and connection to our body that will help us understand where it is living in space. We'll work on connecting our breath to our move...

  • beginner basics express (10 minutes) // stability + strength

    Episode 4

    A basics express class for beginners and/or those wanting to develop a deeper understanding of their body. We'll build a connection to how our body moves in space to build strength + mobility. All of our movements will focus on opening our hips, strengthing the glutes, stabilizing our core, and b...

  • pilates mat // basics

    Episode 5

    The perfect class for anyone new to Pilates or someone wanting to improve their technique. Our movements will focus on key posture muscles (the glutes, core + upper back) to improve strength and stability.

  • basics // neutral pelvis (pt 1)

    Episode 6

    We're learning all about the neutural pelvis in this class--where neutral is, how to find it, and how to build strength to maintain it. Neutral is where our pelvis should be living in space when the body is at rest and the home base during exercise to prevent back, neck, and hip pain so our body ...

  • Release

    Episode 7

    Release is a slow paced flow class to stretch and relax the body at the end of the week. Through guided active, passive, & restorative movements you will increase your range of motion, relax your nervous system, and release tension that is pulling you out of alignment.

  • healthy hips + shoulders // internal + external rotation

    Episode 8

    We're building healthy and happy hips and shoulders by deepening our understanding of internal and external rotation. Through exercises, we'll learn to create space and movement in our ball and socket joints and recognize its effects on our bodies.

  • Release

    Episode 9

    Release is a slow paced flow class to stretch and relax the body at the end of the week. Through guided active, passive, & restorative movements you will increase your range of motion, relax your nervous system, and release tension that is pulling you out of alignment.

  • good alignment // standing

    Episode 10

    Recommended as a follow-up as good alignment // seated, this class reviews where your bones should be living in space for good posture + alignment while you are standing and to build awareness so everything works for you as you go about your day.

  • good alignment // seated

    Episode 11

    A how to class -- Alignment seriously matters but it can sometimes be confusing to understand exactly what it's all about. This class breaks it all down (using the extra support of a chair) to explain the ideal place for all of our body parts to be for good posture + alignment. Good alignment all...