No matter where you are in the reproductive process, a great class to connect to the pelvic floor + core and build awareness of your body to build strength.
Up Next in Pre Natal
prenatal pilates // everyday in 10
A great class for when you’re short of time and comprehensive enough to do every day (or as often as you want). This express workout strengthens + connects while simultaneously opening the entire body.
pelvic floor strength // hypopressive...
A healing + strengthening class developed for pre/post natal women (but great for everybody). Heal your pelvic floor + build functional ab strength through hypopressive breathing which decreases abdominal and pelvic floor pressure, allowing us to activate and strengthen our lower abdominal/corset...
prenatal pilates // express
A quick class to fit some movement into your day and to build strength through a functional flow. Ideal for women in their 2nd / beginning of 3rd trimester.