Psoas Release

Psoas Release

9 Episodes

This is all about using breath + simple movements to release the psoas (think hip, back and knee pain from sitting too long).

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Psoas Release
  • psoas release

    Episode 1

    A series to release the tensions in your back and hips and take you out of a state of fight or flight and into relaxation

    Props: a mat, a yoga brick, a bolster (or sofa cushion)

  • psoas release

    Episode 2

    This class is all about using breath + simple movements to release the psoas (think hip, back and knee pain from sitting too long).

  • Restorative psoas - back release

    Episode 3

    This is a simple and effective pose to help relieve tension in the psoas , low back and hips while balancing your nervous system. You need either a bolster or couch/chair cushion/ heavy blankets to recreate a bolster.

  • Passive psoas release to reset pelvis

    Episode 4

    This is wonderful release for your psoas, low back and hips, allowing gravity to reset your pelvis and restore good alignment. Also allows for drainage flow and relaxation of the nervous system. You need a chair or stool.

  • Active Psoas - back & hip release

    Episode 5

    This is a wonderful warmup for your back as well as release for the psoas, low back and hips. It uses movement breath and awareness to bring blood flow to the back, awakening the core and suppling and elongating the psoas.

  • hip + psoas release

    Episode 6

    Using a massage ball to release the deep hip flexor muscles and diaphragm to free your hips and breath

    Props: a massage ball or similar sized bouncy ball

  • roller release // hips + psoas

    Episode 7

    Using a foam roller, we'll find releases to stop overworked + tight muscles from pulling on your hips and spine.

    Props: A full or half-length foam roller

  • restorative recharge w psoas release (12.6 live class)

    Episode 8

    This class is all about the psoas (ya know, that tight muscle in the front of your hips). We'll slow down + create some space in the body while releasing tension that causes tightness and pain. Deepening our breath, we'll create a calming energy throughout the body + mind.

    Props: 3 thick pillows...

  • tight hips rescue

    Episode 9

    Movement to heal tight hips + psoas. We'll flow through stretches + strengtheners to bring balance and eliminate hip and back pain.