Deep stretching and restorative postures that release tension and tightness in the body
Props: a mat
Up Next in Stretching
restorative recharge (11.08 live class)
Take some time to reconnect. We'll explore supportive openers and deep stretches while practicing breathwork techniques, all to release built-up tension and invite calming energy into the body + mind.
Props: a mat + 2 pillows or blankets
open level prenatal
An open-level all trimester of pregnancy class, focusing on preventing lower back pain through glutes strengthening and stretches, which open the hips, hamstrings, and side body to help with any pulling on the pelvis and lower back.
Props: a mat
hip love (12.10 live class)
A class focused on nothing but our hips! Through both active and passive movements, we'll open, stretch, and strengthen the hip muscles which are desperate for some love and attention after a day of sitting.