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the foundational series

release the glutes


Up Next in Season 1

  • glutes engagement + activation

    We're learning how to engage our glutes correctly so we can fire them up for strength and space in our hip joint and spine. Attention is paid to prevent ever gripping in the glutes because that leads to tension, weakness, and pain! We're all about the strong foundation so our future movements hit...

  • healthy hips + shoulders // internal ...

    We're building healthy and happy hips and shoulders by deepening our understanding of internal and external rotation. Through exercises, we'll learn to create space and movement in our ball and socket joints and recognize its effects on our bodies.

  • release your feet

    Our feet do hard and important work for us so in this class we're giving back to them by releasing tension stored up in them, creating some heavenly space that feels good and allows for a deeper muscle activation that supports our bodies and grounds us stronger to the earth. We're literally build...