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Pre Natal

reconnect to the core


Up Next in Pre Natal

  • open level prenatal

    An open-level all trimester of pregnancy class, focusing on preventing lower back pain through glutes strengthening and stretches, which open the hips, hamstrings, and side body to help with any pulling on the pelvis and lower back.

    Props: a mat

  • prenatal basics

    Safe and effective movements to feel great and have your body function optimally during your pregnancy. We're working on the basics of breath and engaging the abdominals properly to get the maximum benefit from abs and glute exercises which stabilize your pelvis (it needs extra support during pre...

  • basics broken down // the pelvic floor

    Regan breaks down the pelvic floor, specifically how to release, what a kegel is and how to do one, and how to strengthen our pelvic floor.

    Recommend preparation: tutorial // the pelvic floor

    Props: a pillow or ball