Release is a slow paced flow class to stretch and relax the body at the end of the week. Through guided active, passive, & restorative movements you will increase your range of motion, relax your nervous system, and release tension that is pulling you out of alignment.
Up Next in Stretch Flows
Active Psoas - back & hip release
This is a wonderful warmup for your back as well as release for the psoas, low back and hips. It uses movement breath and awareness to bring blood flow to the back, awakening the core and suppling and elongating the psoas.
Passive psoas release to reset pelvis
This is wonderful release for your psoas, low back and hips, allowing gravity to reset your pelvis and restore good alignment. Also allows for drainage flow and relaxation of the nervous system. You need a chair or stool.
Restorative psoas - back release
This is a simple and effective pose to help relieve tension in the psoas , low back and hips while balancing your nervous system. You need either a bolster or couch/chair cushion/ heavy blankets to recreate a bolster.