

2 Seasons

This is an open level basics class with the intention of making you an intelligent mover, building a strong movement foundation so you can move well, feel your best, and create a resilient and youthful body. This moderate pace class brings your intention inwards, using breath to build awareness, mobilizations to decompress & lengthen, isolated and full body movements to build strength from the inside out.

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  • get it done

    Episode 1

    A quick class but you'll find a good burn while simultaneously opening the body so you'll finish feeling great + accomplished. A great workout to fit in before you set off on your holiday travels!

  • modern mat // express

    Episode 2

    An open level full body class that provides progressions from mat work to standing work and a challenge (the good kind, trust us) for everyone, strengthening the body + improving posture.

  • strength + mobility

    Episode 3

    Here we challenge + improve our flexibility from a place of strength (meaning we're giving our muscles some work to do). This is an active class that activates, mobilizes, and opens the body beautifully!

  • modern mat // open level

    Episode 4

    Pilates inspired mat class for all skill levels that works out the full body through all the planes of movement. It's overall a great class!

  • arch + curl for strength

    Episode 5

    This is a class all about maintaining length in the spine to create balance in the body, and specifically, to work our core and posture muscles. We'll go through movements that curl the spine in various positions and then counterbalance the movements with an arch.

  • get it done // open level

    Episode 6

    Quick and effective -- the perfect class if you're short on time and want to awaken, lengthen + strengthen your body. This well-rounded class takes you through all the planes of movement leaving you feeling good about yourself and your body.

  • modern mat // open level

    Episode 7

    We'll get into full-body work with different variations offered for different experience levels. It's a great class to dial in and connect to your body while working on form + building strength.

  • basics with a burn // abs

    Episode 8

    Using a ball (or pillow) we'll access and strengthen our deep core. The ball allows us to find a deeper core connection + helps us find the right positions without compressing in the spine while also opening the chest and shoulders.

    Props: a mid-size ball (you can use a pillow if you don't have...

  • pilates with props // foam roller

    Episode 9

    We'll use a foam roller in this class to increase mobility while also building strength in the body. We'll give special attention to shoulder stability + strength with some good core and side booty work too. This is an open-level class with different variations given based on your level.


  • pilates basics // booty burn

    Episode 10

    We'll review the principles of alignment because they're oh so important in making sure we get the most from our glutes (without other muscles taking over) so we get a deep boot burn.

    Optional props: can be done with ankle weights as you advance

  • pilates basics // beginner II

    Episode 11

    This is a Pilates basics technique class that's great for beginners or any level looking to get more from their movement/ brush up on their foundational technique. This class helps us connect to our body and understand where it’s living in space, where the movement and stability should come from,...

  • pilates basics // beginner

    Episode 12

    This is a Pilates basics technique class that's great for beginners or any level looking to get more from their movement/ brush up on their foundational technique. This class helps us connect to our body and understand where it’s living in space, where the movement and stability should come from,...

  • pilates basics // lower back mobility

    Episode 13

    This class is all about increasing our low back mobility by creating space in our body and strengthening our core. We're focusing on low back mobility because it's an important player in having a strong + functional core, healthy low back, and overall optimal full body function.

  • ribcage mobility + strengthening

    Episode 14

    In this class, we'll go over techniques to free the ribcage and thoracic spine, which in turn releases the neck, shoulders, and hips. After creating space and mobility, we will add strength work to finish out our movement.

  • intermediate express (15 minutes) // mat pilates

    Episode 15

    Get a mat pilates in in under 15 minutes! This mat-inspired full body class is great for building connection and strength in the entire body. We'll hit lots of obliques + glutes work as well as postural strength (finishing with a great leg + booty burn).

    Props: for an added challenge, place wris...

  • intermediate express (15 minutes) // full body

    Episode 16

    Short on time and looking for a quick burn? We're going to use 4 full body exercises to get the most out of our movement + time. This intermediate express class involves planking, abdominal work, upper back, and standing work.

  • express basics (10 minutes) // lower body

    Episode 17

    A 10 minute open level class that's all about the lower body. We'll go through standing work to build leg + glutes strength which tones and creates all-important balance. This class is a great warm-up or a standalone workout for someone getting back into their body.

  • beginner basics express (10 minutes) // standing work

    Episode 18

    This express class is a perfect one for the beginner who is short on time. We'll use our 10 minutes together to go through a (mostly) standing series to feel a burn and connection to our body that will help us understand where it is living in space. We'll work on connecting our breath to our move...

  • intermediate express (15 minutes) // hand weights

    Episode 19

    This express full body class uses weights to build symmetrical strength + a connection to both sides of our body. The added challenge given by the weights will help us identify our imbalances and allow us to address them head-on. This is a great class if you're working on your balance, building s...

  • intermediate express (12 minutes) // yoga inspired mat

    Episode 20

    A yoga-inspired intermediate mat class where our focus will be full body exercises (moving up and down b/t standing and planking). This is a great class to build full body strength through dynamic movement.

    Props: Option to add ankle weights for an extra challenge + to give extra work to the bac...

  • open level basics express (10 minutes) // full body mat

    Episode 21

    A class that's great both if you're a beginner or just looking for a simple but effective way to connect back to your body. We'll build strength + awareness through core stability, building glute + hamstring strength which will benefit general full-body strength and stability.

    Props: option to ...

  • beginner basics express (10 minutes) // stability + strength

    Episode 22

    A basics express class for beginners and/or those wanting to develop a deeper understanding of their body. We'll build a connection to how our body moves in space to build strength + mobility. All of our movements will focus on opening our hips, strengthing the glutes, stabilizing our core, and b...

  • open level express (13 minutes) // quick burn

    Episode 23

    A great class for anyone who has a movement practice already. In this open level class we'll mobilize and get moving for a quick burn in the glutes, legs + core while also building postural strength.

  • intermediate express (14 minutes) // full body

    Episode 24

    A pilates + yoga inspired full body flow that will get your heart rate up for a quick but efficient session. We'll do both standing and mat work to challenge our core, legs, and balance to build strength + create space and length.