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Watch this video and more on regan movement

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these arms of mine

9m 37s

Up Next in Season 1

  • breathing to change your body

    How we are breathing completely changes how our bodies function and feel. Strong external factors like stress and posture alter our breathing patterns for the worse so in this class we'll focus on breathing optimally using an exercise you can work on anywhere anytime.

  • 1b. creating a better foundation

    In part b, we're awakening our feet and repositioning our heel to help release our leg in the hip joint (see the feet do matter!) to overall create a better foundation to move from.

  • beginner basics express (10 minutes) ...

    This express class is a perfect one for the beginner who is short on time. We'll use our 10 minutes together to go through a (mostly) standing series to feel a burn and connection to our body that will help us understand where it is living in space. We'll work on connecting our breath to our move...