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warm-up for running or walking


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  • foot strengthening for hip + knee health

    Your feet are incredibly involved in how your body maintains stability and moves through space -- everything from hips, to knees, glutes, and back all rely on strong feet. We'll go through a series that addresses the whole foot and learn ways to build on strength.

    Props: a theraband + a thick ru...

  • welcome to your feet

    This class is all about building a functional connection between our minds and our feet. We'll focus on how our weight is distributed and build strength + connection so our feet, ankles, knees, and hips are happy and healthy!

  • the daily foot routine

    Join me to practice some daily foot movements to mobilize, strengthen, balance, and realign your feet. I recommend doing this series before movement (such as a full workout) or even just a walk or run though your body can and will benefit from it at any point during your day.