Lower Body

Lower Body

57 Episodes

The lower body, comprising the hips, thighs, knees, calves, and feet, forms the foundation of human movement and stability. It houses some of the largest muscles in the body, like the quadriceps, hamstrings, and glutes, crucial for mobility, balance, and power generation. Maintaining strength, flexibility, and endurance in the lower body is vital for everyday activities, sports performance, and injury prevention. Strong lower body muscles support proper posture, alleviate strain on joints, and enhance overall athletic performance. Regular exercise targeting the lower body, such as squats, lunges, and deadlifts, promotes functional movement patterns and contributes to long-term physical well-being.

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Lower Body
  • pilates reformer // AAB

    Episode 1

    A reformer class where we'll focus on AAB work (arms, abs, and booty) to strengthen and tone (with some nice shoulder openers as a bonus).

  • pilates reformer // arms, core, and back strength

    Episode 2

    A Pilates reformer class that focuses on the arms, upper back, abs, and booty, while working your body in several planes to challenge the muscles in different ways.

  • modern mat

    Episode 3

    Open level / intermediate modern Pilates class that focuses on correcting our body's weaknesses -- with a focus on booty strength.

  • pilates with props // foam roller

    Episode 4

    We'll use a foam roller in this class to increase mobility while also building strength in the body. We'll give special attention to shoulder stability + strength with some good core and side booty work too. This is an open-level class with different variations given based on your level.


  • pilates with props // fitness ball

    Episode 5

    We'll focus on building back body + core strength by using the fitness ball to work the back of our legs, glutes, upper back, and core to give a lift to our booties and improve overall alignment.

    Props: a big fitness ball + a yoga brick or pillow

  • pilates basics // booty burn

    Episode 6

    We'll review the principles of alignment because they're oh so important in making sure we get the most from our glutes (without other muscles taking over) so we get a deep boot burn.

    Optional props: can be done with ankle weights as you advance

  • abs, arms, and booty

    Episode 7

    This well-rounded class uses our own bodyweight to target the glutes, abs + arms and feel a deep burn.

    Optional props: ankle weights

  • pilates mat // arms abs + booty

    Episode 8

    An open level express class focusing on finding that good burn and a deep connection in the arms, abs + booty.

  • abs, arms, and booty

    Episode 9

  • express basics (10 minutes) // lower body

    Episode 10

    A 10 minute open level class that's all about the lower body. We'll go through standing work to build leg + glutes strength which tones and creates all-important balance. This class is a great warm-up or a standalone workout for someone getting back into their body.

  • good alignment // sit bones

    Episode 11

    Our sit bones give us a ton of feedback and help ground us while seated. But our sit bones can actually come out of alignment and we suffer as our bodies try to compensate for the imbalance. In this class, we'll learn how to build awareness and “ground down” into the sit bones as we do with our f...

  • open level prenatal

    Episode 12

    An open-level all trimester of pregnancy class, focusing on preventing lower back pain through glutes strengthening and stretches, which open the hips, hamstrings, and side body to help with any pulling on the pelvis and lower back.

    Props: a mat

  • pilates basics // lower back mobility

    Episode 13

    This class is all about increasing our low back mobility by creating space in our body and strengthening our core. We're focusing on low back mobility because it's an important player in having a strong + functional core, healthy low back, and overall optimal full body function.

  • foot + ankle health

    Episode 14

    Heal your feet and ankles with this class--especially great if you're a runner or prone to Achilles tendinitis. (I also suggest you do glute strengthens for a complete support system)
    We'll strengthen our feet to counteract some of the weaknesses they develop from shoe-wearing (it's a thing!). Th...

  • hip love

    Episode 15

    We're showing our hips the love and attention they so desperately deserve by getting in there to open, stretch + strengthen the muscles.

    Props: a sad ball (basically a somewhat deflated or soft medium-sized ball)

  • active hip openers

    Episode 16

    This class moves you through hip openers by targeting all sides of the hips which increases mobility + releases tension. We will use active movements and mobilizations to achieve long-lasting results. These are the kind of movements your body builds benefit from the more often you do them.

  • hip love // hip openers

    Episode 17

    We'll go through 6 delicious active hip openers (for the front of the hips, quads, and inner thighs) to greatly improve mobility and show our hips some love!

  • hip love // foam roller

    Episode 18

    This class is a wonderful release for tight hips. As a result of all the sitting we do, our hips get incredibly tight which creates pulling and discomfort. Using a foam roller, we'll hydrate and release the tissues, freeing up the movement in our body.

    Props: a foam roller

  • active stretch

    Episode 19

    Using active movements to lengthen the muscles, focusing on opening the inner thighs, hamstrings, quads + hips.

  • pelvic floor release

    Episode 20

    Your pelvic floor is probably holding tension and you don't even realize it. We'll use stretches + breath to learn release techniques.

    Props: 2 pillows or blankets or yoga bricks

  • movement for pelvic floor strength

    Episode 21

    Pelvic floor issues manifest in many ways. In the second class of the series, we'll focus on ways to relax, heal + strengthen the pelvic floor through breathing and movement.

    Props: a ball (or pillow) + a theraband (or belt, long-sleeved t-shirt...ya know, something of a similar length)

  • hip love // openers with a bit of strengthening

    Episode 22

    We're coming to rescue our hips with everyday openers to create mobility in the hips, release tension in the tissues, and create space and freedom of movement. A great class to do weekly to change your hip mobility and feel much better in your hips.

  • happy feet

    Episode 23

    A class to give love to our feet! Through strengthening the feet and correcting how the foot and ankle are tracking, we'll improve how we stand and walk and create a better support system for our entire body.

  • pelvic floor // release + strengthen

    Episode 24

    A class that everybody should take! Our work is focused on isolated pelvic floor exercises to both strengthen and release the pelvic floor to help connect, heal, and build resiliency while also correcting alignment issues overall within the body.