

207 Episodes

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  • a salute to glutes (10.15 live class)

    Episode 1

    A booty class that promotes strength and stability in your spine, keeping your body balanced and pain-free

    Props: a mat

  • core values (8.11 live class)

    Episode 2

    A quick 30 min. core workout to strengthen your muscles

    Props: a mat

  • foot opener + strengthener

    Episode 3

  • movement for booty strength

    Episode 4

    A series of glute exercises to strengthen that have the added bonus of opening up the hip flexors.

    Props: a mat and resistance band

  • hip love

    Episode 5

    We're showing our hips the love and attention they so desperately deserve by getting in there to open, stretch + strengthen the muscles.

    Props: a sad ball (basically a somewhat deflated or soft medium-sized ball)

  • arms + legs // open level

    Episode 6

    Grab some weights or water bottles and get moving! This open level class is all about standing work to work all sides of the legs with some focused arm movement for balance. It's fun, it's simple, but man does it do the job!

    Props: light arm weights (or anything of weight around your house)

  • 5 moves for abs + booty

    Episode 7

    5 exercises to get the core + booty firing so we get the maximum benefit from everyday movement.

  • all levels core

    Episode 8

    A core class for everybody but especially useful to get back into your core, to reconnect so you're ready to build strength.

  • intermediate express (14 minutes) // full body

    Episode 9

    A pilates + yoga inspired full body flow that will get your heart rate up for a quick but efficient session. We'll do both standing and mat work to challenge our core, legs, and balance to build strength + create space and length.

  • arch + curl for strength

    Episode 10

    This is a class all about maintaining length in the spine to create balance in the body, and specifically, to work our core and posture muscles. We'll go through movements that curl the spine in various positions and then counterbalance the movements with an arch.

  • arms to hold you

    Episode 11

    Using light weights we'll go through exercises and movements to quickly strengthen + tone our arms.

    Props: light weights (or water bottle, soup can, something with weight that you have around)

  • core engagement for strength

    Episode 12

    A class all about how to engage your core properly so it is both strong AND functional--making sure it both stabilizes your body and looks good.

  • intermediate abs

    Episode 13

    An intermediate abs class that uses fewer cues and builds on the movements we've previously perfected to build a solid core from the inside out.

    Props: a mat

  • 10 min abs

    Episode 14

    Get in this short series for a burn to connect to the core and work the abdominals to build strength, stability, and stamina

  • these arms of mine

    Episode 15

    No time to waste in this class where we'll go through 2 short sequences to get the shoulders moving and build strength in the arms + upper back.

    Props: light hand weights (1-3 lbs or bottles of water, etc. whatever you have available!)