Upper Body

Upper Body

55 Episodes

The upper body encompasses vital structures including the chest, shoulders, back, and arms. It serves as a hub for numerous functions crucial in daily activities and sports performance. Strong shoulders provide stability and mobility, aiding in tasks like lifting and reaching. A robust chest supports breathing and posture, while a powerful back assists in maintaining spinal alignment and prevents injuries. Developed arms enhance dexterity and strength for tasks ranging from lifting groceries to athletic endeavors. Regular upper body conditioning not only promotes physical health but also bolsters confidence and overall well-being, facilitating a balanced and functional lifestyle.

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Upper Body
  • movement for shoulder health

    Episode 1

    Learn how to strengthen your shoulder stabilizers and rotator cuff to prevent shoulder pain which comes when we try to stabilize from the wrong places (aka the upper traps and neck)

    Props: a 1lb or 2lb weight (or water bottle, soup can, whatever you have) + a yoga brick or pillow

  • neck and shoulder tension release

    Episode 2

    A class to relieve neck and shoulder pain and improve your posture

    Props: a mat and a foam roller

  • these arms of mine // rotator cuff

    Episode 3

    We'll build arm strength through a focus on shoulder health aka the rotator cuff to protect the shoulder and make them look and feel great!

    Props: two weights (1 or 2 lbs)

  • happy shoulders // shoulder health

    Episode 4

    This is a class all about the foundations of shoulder movement. We'll go through exercises together that work on the shoulders specifically, how to move them, and proper mechanics to build strength, fix rounded shoulders, and release gripping in the traps.

  • release // neck + traps

    Episode 5

    Equal parts stretches + exercises that open the neck and shoulders while also strengthening our underworking muscles to prevent future neck and upper shoulder tightness and tension.

  • release // shoulder blades

    Episode 6

    We're going to release all of that tension we keep in our shoulders and shoulder blades and shoulders. This class is a must-take if you find your range of motion is limited and/or your shoulders make noise. You'll finish feeling a freedom and a refreshing ease of movement!

    Props: a pillow

  • neck + shoulder release

    Episode 7

    Some gentle movements to release neck + shoulder tension caused by everyday life.

  • relieving neck + shoulder tension

    Episode 8

    We're talking about ways to release tightness and tension.

    Props: a ball

  • tutorial // shoulder placement

    Episode 9

    Never sure where what's meant by having your shoulders "live in the right place"? You're not alone! A quick tutorial on how to make sure your shoulders are in the correct place so they move with more mobility.

    The perfect tutorial to take before basics broken down // pilates for shoulder mobility

  • hips + shoulder stretches

    Episode 10

    Active stretches + passive stretches and mobilizations to get our bodies feeling open + moving optimally.

  • basics broken down // pilates for shoulder mobility

    Episode 11

    A how-to Pilates class for healthy shoulder movement where Regan breaks it down to the basics.

  • arms + legs // open level

    Episode 12

    Grab some weights or water bottles and get moving! This open level class is all about standing work to work all sides of the legs with some focused arm movement for balance. It's fun, it's simple, but man does it do the job!

    Props: light arm weights (or anything of weight around your house)

  • arms + abs + booty (3.31 live class)

    Episode 13

    A mat-based Pilates class that focuses on AAB work + muscle connections to strengthen + tone

  • abs, arms, and booty

    Episode 14

    This well-rounded Pilates inspired mat class uses our own bodyweight to target the glutes, abs + arms and feel a deep burn.

  • abs, arms, and booty

    Episode 15

    This well-rounded class uses our own bodyweight to target the glutes, abs + arms and feel a deep burn.

    Optional props: ankle weights

  • abs, arms, and booty

    Episode 16

  • pilates mat // arms abs + booty

    Episode 17

    An open level express class focusing on finding that good burn and a deep connection in the arms, abs + booty.

  • pilates reformer // AAB (arms, abs + booty)

    Episode 18

    An open-level Pilates reformer class where we'll focus on AAB work (arms, abs, and booty) to strengthen and tone.

    Props: a yoga brick

  • pilates reformer // AAB with box (arms, abs + booty)

    Episode 19

    An open-level Pilates reformer class using the box for extended range of motion, where we'll focus on AAB work (arms, abs, and booty) to strengthen and tone.

    Props: box

  • arms to hold you

    Episode 20

    Using light weights we'll go through exercises and movements to quickly strengthen + tone our arms.

    Props: light weights (or water bottle, soup can, something with weight that you have around)

  • these arms of mine

    Episode 21

    Using light weights (or soup cans) we'll go through movements to quickly strengthen + tone our arms.

    Props: light arm weights or something of weight you have around your home (soup cans, water bottles, etc)

  • arms to hold you

    Episode 22

    Using light weights (or soup cans) we'll go through exercises and movements to quickly strengthen + tone our arms.

    Props: light weights (or water bottle, soup can, something with weight you have around)

  • GYROKINESIS® // reset + arms

    Episode 23

    A classic GYROKINESIS® class to release tension and realign the body + some extra focus given on building arm strength

    Props: a stool or chair

  • arm maintenance

    Episode 24

    A quick series using light weights for arms exercises to tone and strengthen, ending on the floor to bring it all together.

    Props: light 2 or 3 lb. weights (water bottles, cans of soup, etc.)